Do you ever wonder if your weight is healthy? One way to find out is by calculating your Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI can help you understand if your current weight might put you at risk for certain medical conditions. It’s a useful tool that allows you to easily determine where you fall on the scale of healthy body weight. Let’s dive into what BMI is, how it works, and how to use it.
What is BMI?
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a calculation based on height and weight that provides an indication of body fatness for adults 20 years old or older. It does not measure body fat directly, but instead uses an equation to come up with an estimated value of what your body fat percentage may be. Generally speaking, someone with a higher BMI has more body fat than someone with a lower BMI. However, it’s important to note that this isn’t always the case — muscular individuals may have higher BMIs than non-muscular people with less fat mass.
How do I calculate my BMI?
Calculating your BMI is simple — just divide your weight (in kilograms) by your height (in meters squared). If you don’t feel comfortable doing this calculation yourself, there are many online calculators available to help. Once you have calculated your BMI, look at the table below to see where you fall on the scale of healthy body weights.
• Underweight – 18.5 or below
• Healthy Weight – 18.5 – 24.9
• Overweight – 25 – 29.9
• Obese – 30 or above
Too much? You can also use this handy BMI calculator.
What should I do if my BMI falls outside the range of “healthy”?
If your calculated BMI falls outside of the range listed as “healthy,” don’t panic! The next step should be to consult with a healthcare professional who can assess any possible health risks associated with being underweight or overweight and provide guidance on how best to maintain a healthy lifestyle moving forward. This could include changes in diet and exercise, as well as seeking professional nutrition counseling or psychological therapy if needed. Ultimately, it’s important to remember that every individual is different so there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to achieving and maintaining good health!
Using the Body Mass Index scale can give us insight into our bodies’ overall health and wellbeing by providing us with an idea of how our weight measures up against what is considered “healthy.” While calculating your own BMI can provide some helpful information about where we lie on the spectrum of healthy body weights, consulting with healthcare professionals should always be done to ensure personalized guidance tailored specifically for each individual’s needs and goals when it comes to their own physical health and wellbeing!